What can change the value of the equilibrium constant?
The only thing that changes the value of the equilibrium constant for a reaction is the temperature.
The reaction must be at ________ for the value of the equilibrium constant to be calculated.
Equilibrium - when the concentrations used in the equation are the equilibrium concentrations for all reactants and products.
Define the term homogeneous
A mixture which has uniform composition and properties throughout.
The Units Of Kc
aA + bB <----------> cC + dD
If (c+d) - (a+b) = 0 then there are no units
If (c+d) - (a+b) = 1 then Kc -----> mol dm^-3
If (c+d) - (a+b) = -1 then Kc -----> mol^-1 dm^3
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